PGx For Employers

Personalized Medicine through Pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenetics aligns current and future medications with each employee's unique genetic profile. It is a one-time, but comprehensive genetic test, that provides intel to ensure your employees are taking the right medications and dosages based on their unique DNA.

Whether it is prescription meds or over-the-counter, a medication that will work well for one person, could cause adverse effects in another as no one person processes medications the same.

Avoid Trial-and-Error Prescribing

Minimize Adverse Drug Reactions

Prevent Unwanted Side Effects

Get Started With PGx Testing Today!


Adverse Drug Events cause up to 3.5 billion in excess medical costs every year

US Institute of Medicine


There are more than 10,000 prescription drugs and more than 300,000 over-the-counter (OTC) drugs on the market

Institute for Safe Medication Practices


Nearly 30% of adults in the U.S. take 5+ medications and 82% of American adults take at least one medication



4.5 million Americans visit their doctors or the emergency room due to Adverse Drug Reactions


Common Diseases with Drug to Drug Interactions that our PGx Test Includes

Common Drug Diseases

Who Should Get A PGx Test?

Employee's who are taking 1 or more medications

Employee's who are currently experiencing adverse effects or have had serious drug reactions in the past

Employee's who are frustrated with trial-and-error, “one-size-fits-all” prescribing

Employee's who are experiencing treatment failures

Employee's who want cutting-edge, personalized medicine

Employee's who are proactive with their health and want to potentially avoid medication problems in the future

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Meet John

John has been taking Zoloft for his major depression for about 2 months. At his most recent visit with his psychiatrist, John said he is still not feeling better and is having side effects (dizziness, upset stomach, and anxious feelings). John has already tried several medications for his major depression without seeing a significant improvement. So, he and his psychiatrist decided to look deeper into what's causing these antidepressants to not be effective. A PGx test indicated that John is not able to eliminate Zoloft from his body which is what caused his poor experience. It also showed why his previous medications didn’t work properly and that helped his psychiatrist select a more appropriate medication that would have a higher likelihood of success in treating his condition.

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Meet Sara

Sara was recently injured in a car accident and requires pain medication to help treat her neck injury. Luckily, Sara has had a pharmacogenomics (PGX) test done and given it to her primary care physician. Sara’s pain management doctor was able to use her PGx report to determine the most appropriate pain medication for Sara’s treatment without having to try multiple medications.

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Meet Karen

Karen is thinking about taking a medication to help her to stop smoking. Her provider discussed placing her on Wellbutrin. Karen was nervous about taking this medication and wanted some information about how she may respond. Karen’s provider had a pharmacogenomics test run for her and it was discovered that Karen would not have the best results while taking Wellbutrin. This helped Karen’s provider from prescribing the wrong medication for Karen from the start instead of her experiencing unwanted side effects.

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Meet Gerald

Gerald just began taking Zocor to help manage his high cholesterol. Within the first week of taking this medication, he started to experience intense muscle pain and weakness. It is possible that Gerald’s genetics are playing a role in how he removes this medication from his body.  The build-up of Zocor in Gerald’s system could be linked to his genetics.

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Meet Mary

Mary has been taking Tramadol to help manage her osteoarthritis pain and complains that this medication does not manage her pain properly. This could be related to Mary’s unique genetic profile where she cannot properly activate Tramadol, which prevents this medication from providing proper pain control.

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Personalized Medication Genetic Testing (LTC)

Precision Health Solutions is a pioneer in personalized medicine to help employees on their path to better health. Our pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing program improves outcomes through precise medication management based on an individual's unique DNA.


Studies have shown ROIs greater than 5:1




Capture an employee's unique DNA through a simple saliva swab

Maximize the intended use of the medication

Reduce Medication Cost

Reduce Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)

Pharmacist Consultation Available

Actionable Medication Treatment Plan

To learn more about getting started with pharmacogenomics, call/text us at 727-235-0886 or email [email protected]

Improved Outcomes

This one-time test preserves one's quality of life and can quickly deliver positive clinical outcomes needed to get your employees healthier and more productive on the job

Higher Productivity

Healthier Workers

Enhanced Standard of Care

More Engagement

Reduced Overall Healthcare Costs

Decreased Absenteeism

Lower Prescription Costs

Fewer Hospitalizations

Drug Metabolism

Drug metabolism refers to how quickly one's body processes certain medicines. This can affect whether a medication will work or whether the drug will cause adverse effects.

Metabolizer line

Poor Metabolizer

A person who is a “Poor Metabolizer” for a medicine will process that medicine very slowly. The medicine might not work if it is processed slowly, or it could put them at risk for side-effects.

Intermediate Metabolizer

A person who is an “Intermediate Metabolizer” for a medicine will process that drug slowly, but not as slowly as a poor metabolizer. This means that the normal dosage of certain medicines may not work for them, or may cause side-effects.

Extensive Metabolizer

A person who is an “Extensive (Normal) Metabolizer” for a medicine usually benefits from the normal dosage of the medicine. This means the metabolizer status does not put them at increased risk for side-effects.

Rapid Metabolizer

A person who is a “Rapid Metabolizer” for a medicine can process the medicine very quickly. A medicine might not work if it is processed very quickly, or it could put the person at risk for serious side-effects.

Traditional Medicine

One-Size-Fits-All Approach - Some Benefit, Some Do Not

traditional medicine

People can take the same dose of the same drug, but respond in different ways

Medications may be processed too fast and can be removed from the body before taking effect

Medications may be processed too slow and can build up, causing side effects

Personalized Medicine

Each Employee Benefits From Individualized Treatment

personalized medicine

Eliminates the need for trial and error by eliminating generalized guidelines to prescribing and allowing for a more individualized treatment

Decreased the risk of adverse drug reactions by ensuring the right dosage for each person, based on their unique DNA

Decreases overall cost of healthcare by decreasing the amount of drug toxicity and increasing drug efficacy

Managing chronic diseases like diabetes, chronic pain, cardiovascular, and mental illness are hard enough. With a personalized medicine program, your employee's can utilize PGx to help improve medication response.